Don't Step Over Dollars To Chase Pennies!
One of the biggest mistakes a board of directors can make is not recording a lien against the property of an owner that is delinquent in paying their assessments.
Many do not realize that assessments without a lien are just an unsecured personal obligation of the owner and have no real collection value like pennies. However, when the assessments are protected by a recorded lien, they become a secured debt against the property which dramatically increases the collection value to dollars!
Understandably, board members want to be compassionate and assist owners in getting back on track with their assessments however, they also need to protect their membership as a whole from uncollected or unsecured debt. The law allows Associations’ to do exactly that through the civil codes.
The civil codes allow liens to be recorded when a payment plan is needed and they also allow the Association to recover their cost of collection making it a win-win for all parties.
So where does the association begin?
They start with a good assessment collection policy. The policy is the go-to-document for the collection guidelines and should be based on current laws as well as the aAssociation’s Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). They then need to consistently follow the policy against all owners to eliminate delinquencies from getting out of control, the smaller the debt the easier it is to collect.
With A Lien
Without A Lien
Bottom line, don’t step over dollars to chase pennies - it doesn’t make financial cents!
Civil Code §5665. Payment Plan
(d) Payment plans shall not impede an association’s ability to record a lien on the owner’s separate interest to secure payment of delinquent assessments.
Civil Code §5650. Debt of Owner
(a) A regular or special assessment and any late charges, reasonable fees and costs of collection, reasonable attorney’s fees, if any, and interest, if any, as determined in accordance with subdivision (b), shall be a debt of the owner of the separate interest at the time the assessment or other sums are levied. (b) Regular and special assessments levied pursuant to the governing documents are delinquent 15 days after they become due unless the declaration provides a longer time period, in which case the longer time period shall apply.
Beverlee Gordon is the Director of Operations and founder of A.S.A.P. Collection Services, a collection service that specializes in California common interest developments, homeowner associations, property owner associations, and commercial & industrial CIDs.
A.S.A.P. is the leader in innovative pre-collection payment plan options that are not only cost-effective, but also show owners that their board members and management team care about financial hardships and protecting the membership from additional financial burdens.
ECHO – Executive Council of Homeowners
5669 Snell Avenue, #249
San Jose, CA 95123 (408) 297-3246
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Trustee Sale Information:
All Rights Reserved | A.S.A.P. Collection Services, LLC.